acute. we are starkly underrepresented in the ranks of general counsels. starkly underrepresented in the ranks of equity partners at large law firms. we're starkly underrepresented in academia, and i can say that from personal experience. so there is room to diversify at all levels of the legal profession. i feel like i need to call out one of my fantastic nyu students, tahliah scott, who founded her own nonprofit, legally black, to help young women, young black women going to law school to prepare for that process and to be successful in it, and she's absolutely phenomenal. we're very lucky to have her doing that kind of work. >> well, thanks for telling us about that, too, that's at a very individual, specific level. shout out to that. jason, your thoughts. i emphasize this because there's a thing in life and definitely in policy where people think they know something, and then they start talking based on what they think they know. i always would say respectfully, cool, let's make sure you know what you think you know is right or not. and i think i'm going to put that chart back up on the screen