your homes during these extraordinary times. we're grateful. "the beat" with ari melber starts right now. >> hi, nicolle. i have to ask, i love what you just ran, and also shout out to yamiche, who we have worked with before and get to welcome back, which is great. but i love what you just played. how do you look at that when you say you have worked in a white house, there's healthy tension with the press. there's other times where you look at a reporter, and i bet even if it runs against some of what your political goal for the week was, you say, hey, they're doing their job, or they're good at this. do you ever look at it that way? because she is so clear and objective and strong in what she does. >> i mean, look, even the president i worked for would say that people have a hard time confronting a president. even staff walks in and they think, i'm going to give him a piece of my mind, and they walk in and it's -- even more so for a reporter covering the president of any party. it is structurally difficult. he's at a podium with a