consistency, what you said last year, do you think those dynamics make for people to be more colorful characters than perhaps more restrained culture environment? >> i guess italians, anyway, there is something about it and over the top. you get all this mail from atall -- italian americans saying that show was a disgrace. my family didn't do that. now they say wow, they never did that in "the sparanos." or how come they didn't do what they did in "the sparanos." it a different story. >> we had a recent president who talked like what he thought was mafia talk. he called people rats who cooperated with the feds and all the rest. you know the drill. i'm just curious if you think people like him and others have

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People ,Something ,Consistency ,Dynamics ,Characters ,Culture Environment ,Italians ,Us ,Show ,Mail ,Top ,Disgrace ,Biden ,Family ,Story ,The Sparanos ,Brest ,Others ,Feds ,Drill ,People Rats ,Mafia Talk ,

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