united states. >> yeah. >> but that's his background. he wanted to put on a show. he wanted to take care of folks. he is in the hotel business. >> your thoughts on that, mick mulvaney saying at the end of the day he is still in the hotel business. >> well, that's directly contrary to what president trump told us when he won the election. he said he was going to lead the busine businesses to his son and he was going to be the president of the united states and there would be a separation between the businesses and the president. that has not happened. this president has used his office to promote his business. he wants to be in the hotel business, that's just fine. he needs to be impeached by the house, convicted by the senate and they can send him become to new york and he can try to be in the hotel business. but he has no business doing this. >> all right, richard painter, always a pleasure. thanks for your insights. >> thanks. ahead, a new twist in the roger stone trial involving the godfather. and facebook's mark