states house on impeaching president trump, do you view then what speaker pelosi did tonight as not enough? >> no, no, no. i think she is just, you know, prioritizing this urgent issue as something we have to work on right now. she's not -- she's not saying that the other issues and the other investigations won't go on, but there is an urgency, you know, to this. and, you know, the president should turn over the whistle-blower complaint. we're not really going to give much credibility to what's in the presidential edited transcripts. we've seen them turn over false transcripts and false videos in the past. >> i understand that. i think our viewers are up to date on that. what i'm getting at is, for folks who are watching speaker pelosi say tonight she backs on impeachment inquiry, many people in the democratic caucus had previously said that's what was going on, true? >> yes. in a bottom-up way -- >> if she doesn't ultimately hold a floor vote, is that a disappointment to you in your role as a member of the two key committees.