their stories therks accouy ies. this book is having huge political repercussions. six 2020 candidates calling for kavanaugh's impeachment, while kavanaugh's defenders, including the president who appointed him saying not only are these allegations denied, but parts of the book reporting were released by "the new york times." i want to turn to nancy erika smith, a leading civil rights lawyer who has represented women in sexual harassment suits, including gretchen carlson's well stint at fox news. and jamie nowad.a. in the southern district of new york. thanks for joining me. >> thank you. >> what do you see as important about what has added to this story? >> what we thought was happening was real. it was a sham fbi investigation. it was too limited by the white house. the republican senators went along with it. i think the vote was 48 to 62 in this case. the narrowest vote for a supreme