times who wrote a column today about how to understand and appreciate people's love for donald trump. but that is what is going to happen, and we are headed for this rematch of donald trump and joe biden. i think it is an election that the public does not want. but it is an election that the public is going to get whether they won it or not. >> it's an election the public deserves. because this is -- >> if that is who they choose and that is how the process works, i don't know if the process is exquisitely designed to reflect the totals publics view but that is the way it works out. >> i think the republican senators did this to us. they had a chance, twice, and the second time the really had a chance to convict trump. they could've done it they could've voted to convict, and then he wouldn't have been eligible to run again, but instead, they took the cowards way out as many republicans did, and that is how we got. there are so i don't even think that it is the voters fault, i really think that it is a cowardly republican party that refused to stand up to donald trump.