mike rogers, marie yovanovitch, michael mcfaul. coming up next -- caviar, birthday cakes and vodka toast. a look at the very close relationship between xi jinping and vladimir putin as china faces tough choices over the war in ukraine. and then later, the american doctor now living and working inside ukrainian hospital to help treat the youngest patients, newborn babies. what he has seen so far and what he's bracing for next. the 11th hour just getting underway on your monday night. this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? it sounded like you just said an eye drop that may help you see up close. i did. it's an innovative way to... so, wait. i don't always have to wear reading glasses? yeah! vuity™ helps you see up close. so, i can see up close with just my eyes? uh-huh. with one drop in each eye, once daily. in focus? yep. [laughs] like, really? really. vuity™ is a prescription eye drop to help you see up close.