trillion, that's a little. low or this is not going to be that good. let's see some showmanship, and some bravado. and working together, and talking about all the great stuff that people are going to be getting and paid for by tax payers at the top level. these are things that the american people support. and i just think the message on this is very muddled, and hopefully they got some time to figure it out because they have a big job now. >> so juanita tolliver, would you buy what i'm getting? when i'm getting from tim, is two different messages. number one, mammal to democrat, don't let great become the enemy of the. good to not up and down if i'm correct. and two to democrats, get your messaging apparatus in gear and try telling americans from west virginia to wyoming, what they are going to get out of this, and who delivered. >> here's the thing though, in