for everybody. >> glenn, final word to you about the impeachment and the ukraine theory that is being put forward. does the presence of somebody like rudy giuliani and we'll get to that later in the program, what he is trying to do in terms of digging up something in ukraine, does that muddy the waters? >> i don't think so. he'll deliver his little mickey mouse report that was apparently generated by rudy giuliani meeting with a whole bunch of corrupt, fallen, disgraced ukrainian prosecutors and officials, and i think it will land with a thud, and i don't think right be worth the paper it's written on, and i doubt it will make a serious appearance in the impeachment trial. >> all right. glenn kirschner, berit berger, thank you both very much. ahead, neal katyal is here with a preview of the senate impeachment trial and why new witnesses are necessary. that's when we're back in just 30 seconds.