danger. the santa ana winds are going to blow up there around 11:00 local time tonight. gusts could hit 80 miles an hour. for perspective, most humans cannot stand up unassisted in 80-mile-an-hour winds. imagine how far they can throw an ember, how far and how fast fire could run down a hillside. put another way, there's no saving that hillside. there's no saving your home in winds approaching that speed. if anyone can, however, it's the fire crews who are going to work right now tonight. this by the way is where they're living. lap of luxury as usual. and while most will tell you they'll sleep when they're dead, they've got to rest because like the fires they're fighting, it takes nothing for an eight-hour shift to explode into 12 or 24. and one more time because this is important, we have admitted the obvious here before. there is geographic dysmorphia at work in the coverage of these fires. network news divisions are still