here, we can't bar them entry, we're going to let this happen? i don't know, but i know as a counterintelligence professional, we had a breach and they seemed not to care. >> annie karni, as a veteran of the hrc campaign trail, you remember this moment, an unguarded moment by mr. mccarthy of california, number two in the house. we'll air it and then talk about it on the other side. >> everybody thought hillary clinton was unbeatable, right? but we put together a benghazi special committee, a select committee. what are her numbers today? her numbers are dropping. >> annie, anybody talking about irony these days? >> you know, it's funny, this clip, i remember distinctly being at a dinner with some clinton donors that i was reporting on and i'm giving a toast to kevin mccarthy after this clip. i think this is what killed his chances at being the speaker. yeah, i mean, there's -- there's