was strom thurmond, by creating new american coalitions. we have to have a leader who is -- can appeal to the moral imagination of this nation and find ways to get things done across the aisle -- >> but does it matter tough difrn with ted cruz? former vice president joe biden i think makes a similar argument, i know these people and i have relationships there and i can go in there and grease the wheels and get stuff done. >> anybody that knows washington the people that get things done are people that know how to build coalitions and relationships that are bigger than just one party. we're not going to be able to move this country forward in the way that we need to to do the big things on climate change, the big things on driving down prescription drugs. even infrastructure. broadband access. environmental justice. awful these things necessitate a person that can build new coalitions that don't exist right now. that means fighting hard in campaigns. if i'm 9 nominee i'm going to go to states that people won't expect me because i know we've got to pick up a senate seat in georgia, a senate seat in north carolina. i'm going to go all over this country to build the democratic party better than anybody, but