it is pinned to the top of our twitter feed. amazing, phil carriage amazing. so i'm in london a few weeks, ago he was absolutely supper. on screen during call it the blues, i'm sure that -- is shown, i don't know, i was looking at elton more than at the screen, i guess that is why they call it the blues was just so, so good. thinking through honestly so many views this morning, incredible says the dog, father we should all be so honored to have lived in an era of such a legend. we will never see the likes, again hit after hit, and he sounded amazing for a man of his age. he is 76 years old. what a great show. but the rest of shame i glastonbury. he is the rocket man, and there is a clue in that as to the last song that he played. sadly, it is the end of the yellow brick road here in the uk for sir elton.