north shore breeze will make it feel a little cooler there, the afternoon bring some light rain to the northern ireland, wales, and the southwest. >> the weather, sponsored by qatar airways. sponsored by qatar airways. still to come, we've got world sport with jackie. >> coming up, chelsea fans wondering who is going to buy their club who's gonna take over. what is the direction they're gonna go in. i think the team are thinking exactly the same thing and as the billing process goes on off the pitch, we'll show you how the team are coping on its. have they reached the fa cup semifinals? i'll tell you after this. we also have -- as land their first grand slam in 12 years, and this is what it means. and delight for raphael on that all, as he reaches another final to remain on course for a fourth title, at indian wells, when you start to the year he is having.

Related Keywords

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