abortion ban proposal down from 15 weeks, and in idaho, governor brad little signed a bill making it a felony to help a minor cross state lines to get an abortion here's part of what the cosponsor of that law told nbc's blayne alexander. >> it's important the state has an interest to make sure that minors are protected, abortion is illegal in idaho with certain exceptions, and the parents are informed about an abortion that's being pursued on their child's behalf >> joining me now, planned parenthood president and ceo alexis magill johnson. thanks for being with us so many developments over this week over abortion rights. idaho creating a new felony with this law, abortion trafficking what is the impact this will have for women and girls in the state and for health care providers? >> well, i mean, thank you, lindsey, for having me here today. the idaho law is just absolutely shameful the governor has signed a bill