never asked for any of this hospitality. crow says he never sought to influence justice thomas on any legal or political issue unlike other federal judges, supreme court justices don't have an ethics code and don't have to disclose meals and stays at private homes or other entertainment that is personal hospitality. but the disclosure exemptions were updated last month to clarify trips on private planes must be reported. >> this is innocuous and liberals to have this is horrible and i'm coming down here in the middle by saying it's not as clear as you might suppose. >> reporter: democratic lawmakers are renewing calls for stiffer ethics rules even with that ethics change though, who polices these justices >> exactly they police themselves you hear about calls for impeachment. there's no political will in congress for that, and even to get new ethics rules passed, again, would require congress to move here. democrats are obviously upset about this, but the question is what's really going to happen.