biden's public schedule today is his closed classified intelligence briefing. but we also know that the president's u.n. ambassador, linda thomas greenfield, she was supposed to be on a trip to africa today, but late yesterday e the white house announcing she will stay in new york to deal with diplomacy with ukraine and russia at the united nations. the u.s. is awaiting at this hour a written response from russia to the u.s.' most recent diplomatic offer. putin in that phone call said that such a written response will be coming. but in the meantime, the u.s. really feels like they've laid all their cards on the table, both the diplomatic option that remains open to putin if he wants to de-escalate this, but also the costs the u.s. will impose. u.s. officials pretty openly acknowleding they don't know what president putin will do next. >> we've had a long history of understanding that it's also very hard to figure out what's going on in vladimir putin's brain, which is why it's so