so i'm heading to covina to meet a woman responsible for more hyperenergetic joy than anyone in southern california. hello, hello. oh, my gosh, fantastic. hopefully, she'll have insight into what i've missed out on around here. [gasps] oh, my gosh. a chicky-chick. oh, my gosh. this is amazing. shrooms. hello? [knocks] yesenia? - hello, yes! - hi, how are you? - welcome. - rainn. so nice to meet you. - what's up, rainn? - what's happening here? - oh, so that's actually gonna be a piece. it's like an alter ego of me. - you're gonna make that up to look like you? - yeah. - but is it a piñata? are people gonna be beating on it? - you know, eventually. eventually. you know, nothing lasts forever. - the owner of this papier-mached wonderland is yesenia prieto. she's a third-generation piñata maker