seized, had nonetheless responded with outrage and demands for answers. why did the fbi had to search trump's home? why couldn't they have just asked donald trump for the documents? why won't merrick garland explain himself? while today we got answers to basically all of those questions. the justice department did ask trump for those documents. that even sent him a subpoena. and enough or mental down that trump did not hand over everything he promised to hand over. they searched his home as a matter of last resort, and attorney general merrick garland is ready to show you the warrant, signed by a federal judge that authorized that search, as well as a list of with the fbi collective. the question now, what are we gonna learn next? joining us is the former federal prosecutor barbara mcquade. barbara, there is so much going on tonight, i want to start with your reaction. you have seen a lot in your life, in your career. but the breaking news from the washington post that some of the information that the