really did need and deserve. and he said there's been strong public interest in this matter. so that is to unseal the document. he didn't talk about donald trump at the press conference, he talked about process, he talked about the [inaudible] of the fbi, and they found a motion to unseal this so it will be speaking through their court filings. as to donald trump's suggestion in kenya betters reporting that he might oppose it after all of this, is really quite rich. as you have mentioned, ali, if it does say things like, their nuclear secrets in this document, you might see why he would want to stop. it i don't think that's going to happen i think ordinarily, public records, court file records, are in the public domain. it is the government that typically seeks to protect them from disclosure, so it's not to undermine the success of the criminal investigation. once they wanted to be unsealed, it's difficult to imagine that donald trump will prevail and getting it and sealed --