[ applause ] >> senator klobuchar. >> the nation was riveted this week by the testimony in washington. one of the people we heard from yesterday was lieutenant colonel vindman. and what he said was he spoke to his immigrant father, and he said in this country, you can tell the truth, and it's going to be fine. it reminded me of army counsel years and years ago in the mccarthy hearings, someone from iowa actually, mr. welch, who said, have you no sense of decency, sir? i want us to remember that this election is, yes, an economic check on this president. and i have bold ideas that we can do to go forward as a country to make college more affordable and bring down the cost of health care, yes. but this is also a patriotism check, a value check, a decency check. and when you look at the people that turned out in kentucky and turned out in virginia, people