women voters, it's a dominant vote, majority vote. >> 54% of the vote last time. >> that's exactly right. you would think any candidate that was serious would want to address issues of concern. >> absolutely. you are talking about, first of all, let's talk about black women for a second. black women as an electorate in the last election carried the democratic vote. we are the largest voting bloc of democratic voters. we're also the second largest group of people to experience -- women to experience sexual violence in this country. i can pull out all kind of demographics of voters and tell you how that relates to people who experience sexual violence. it's just smart. it's smart politics to say we have to also address this. we have to talk about how we make our communities safer, how we make women safer, children safer, people who experience sexual violence safer. >> can we expect, i have known you since you were an activist in alabama going way back, though you were younger than me. can we expect to see some of you at some of these debates.