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problems circle around the role of his third wife, calista. publicly supportive wife, but aides say privately a demanding one. >> gingrich's aides felt that his wife was making unreasonable demands on his time. she was very particular about the way she wanted things done. >> gingrich advisors say she even dictated the campaign schedule. refusing to allow early morning takeoffs for events so she could have her hair done. sources say she also demanded the campaign help arrange screenings of the couple's movies, produced by gingrich production, a for-profit company. there is even a link promoting the movies on the gingrich campaign website. the conflicts escalated memorial day weekend when his staff wanted him campaigning in south carolina. instead gingrich flew home to accompany calista to the opera at the kennedy center. a few days later, the final straw, the greek aisles. ignoring the pleas of his top aides. gingrich put his campaign on hold to go with calista on a cruise. 16 staffers resigned. >> of course they make decisions together about their schedule. it's their life. >> gingrich's campaign spokesman defends the strategy. >> the fact is this is newt's campaign. he's going to run it the way he thinks is best for america. >> many republicans wonder if gingrich can ever recover. >> he had one of the worst campaign starts and my guess is he's going to be done fairly soon. >> all this has had a devastating impact on fundraising when the first campaign reports are filed in the next few weeks. front runner mitt romney is expected to blow a away the field possibly reporting as much as $40 million. gingrich sources tell us he'll be lucky if he reports as much as $3 million. depending on how things go there could be some debts. >> those are reports on calista. what are you hearing if anything about how former staffers and what they're saying about the candidate, how he might be owning up to this situation? >> well look, ultimately this was gingrich's choice. he had to choose between what the campaign advise source wanted him to do and what his wife was asking. it's very clear what the answer was. he went with his wife. >> michael isikoff, thank you so much. we're joined by karen finny a political analyst who used to be a speck spokesperson for the democratic national committee. and brent littlefield a strategist with littlefield consulting. karen, let's start with you. can gingrich survive based on the money issues michael was discussing? >> it's not looking good. in addition to the money issues, there's a confidence issue. how are you going to attract donors, what kind of confidence are they going to have in the ability that this is a viable campaign. as well as campaigns need supporters. they need people to do the work. it's not looking good for newt gingrich there. >> it's one indicator is what you're saying when you look at money. >> yeah. >> moving on, jon huntsman we hear will announce next week. he's coming from his ambassadorship to china. does he have the right credentials to handle what voters care about now. we take a look at that question, brent, what do you think? can he handle the jobs and the economic challenges in front of us. >> i think everybody will be look at his record as governor, not so much his record as an ambassador. obviously that will be critiqued he took a job with the obama administration and now he's left that administration to challenge them. i think his record as governor will come under a lot of scrutiny. i think we'll hear more about that once he announces. it will be fascinating to see the people in his local area how they cast that governorship and the positives and negatives that will come out of that from the local media and the political operatives there. >> rick perry appears to moving closer to jumping in. here's what he said last night in new york. >> i want to see a new york state again a place where we have to be looking at what we're doing in the state of texas because people are leaving texas headed to new york. i want to see that type of competition again. but we'll never do it with a washington, d.c. that's making us all be one size fits all. that may work real good for gym socks, it doesn't work good for states. >> all right. gym socks is what he's talking about there. karen, what do you think? if he jumps in, how might this hurt romney, the front runner. >> i think the challenge is you've got a number of people trying to be the person holding the conservative mantle. romney has accepted he's not going to get that. romney is counting on people going for the viablity argument. saying he's our best chance of winning in the general election. the concern i have if i'm the romney campaign, rick perry gets in and that's going to pull off more of the conservative support that you're hoping to get again by convincing them i'm the most viable candidate. >> do you agree with that? splits the conservative vote? >> i think it remains to be seen. it's interesting that governor perry has a lot of support among fellow governors. they know him very, very well. that's a space that mitt romney came out of. he's been out of that game for a while. it will be fascinating to see how many of the current republican governors from around the country would rally to perry if he officially jumps in the race. and how many endorsements he racks up. they matter those governors can rack up grassroots supports from the conservatives, but they can provide financial support. i think we'll have to see how much that impacts the field and whether or not that would impact romney or not. >> the ground game is so important. karen, there's the issue of michelle bachmann. some are saying she got grade a in the debate two days ago. is she moving closer to the center of the gop right now? >> i don't think so. i think she's hired a couple of pretty good old hands, ed rollens would kill me for saying that. they managed her very well. they've been very calculating about where she speaks and when she speaks. she did do great in the debate. thr going to be very careful if how they reigned back many some of the more outlandish statements. i don't think she needs to move to the middle. she's got to continue to control her message. >> what do you think? >> i think she did very, very well during the debate. part of the reason she did so well is the media and folks set the bar so low in terms of expectations of what they thought she would do. as a result she came off look fantastic in that debate. she's definitely put herself up in there in field. it remains to be seen how many people watched that debate. of course, they were trying to target new hampshire voters. and there was a bruins' playoff game going on for the stanley cup. i think a lot of tv's were tuned into the bruins, some folks like me. in addition to trying to watch the debate. she did very, very well in the debate. we'll see what kind of bounce she gets in some of the newer polling related to the field. >> it was a great game, the bruins did fantastic, i must say. >> you weren't watching the debate? >> i had two screens up at the same time. thank you for being here. now that new york representative anthony weiner's wife is back home from her overseas trip, speculation is ratcheting up that his resignation could come any day. sources tell nbc news that weiner was holding off on many any decision until his wife returned. now the waiting game begins. who is going to kick him out of the house first? luke resz ert is live on capitol hill. huma returned to the couple's home in the middle of the night early in the morning. what's the latest that you're hearing. >> she got back from her overseas trip with hillary clinton about 4:30 a.m. this morning. that's what a lot of folks on capitol hill feel is the last piece of this couple. weiner had reserved the right to have a face-to-face consultation with his wife before he made any decision on his political future. his aide told me he is a man without a country in. the last 48 hours he's seen the president of the united states say he would resign. he's seen the leader of his party reiterate for a second time in four days that she should step down and do what is best for the collective whole of the house democratic party. you're talking to a lot of members. a lot of them say look, we understand he has the right to have a long drawn out ethics hearing, but he really is a distraction from the party. we're not allowed to get our jobs message through. we're not allowed to go after paul ryan's medicare voucher plan as democrats see that. there is a lot of distraction that anthony weiner is giving to the democratic party that they would like to absolve themselves of. that being said there will be some new developments today at 12:30 p.m. one of the women that anthony weiner had corresponds with over email is going to have a press conference in new york city. that will add more kerosene to the story. certainly will probably be some new calls of folks saying get out the door. that being said the only person that could get hymn out of the house of representatives is anthony weiner. nobody else has that power unless the collective body votes on getting them out. all eyes are on what his decision will be. we think from talking to folks up here if he were to resign, it would probably be many the next few days. honestly his colleagues don't want to see that anymore, richard. >> luke, thank you for the latest there on capitol hill on congressman weiner. thank you. . after 19 days of often gut-wrenching testimony, the prosecution rested their case this morning in the murder trial of casey anthony. the defense team began to argue for an acquittal. we go live to outside the courthouse in orlando. what happened? >> reporter: today the defense, richard, presented this motion for acquittal. they said that the prosecution did not have enough evidence to prove where, when or how caylee died. they said there was not enough evidence to prove for premeditation. and their theory that caylee had drown in a pool accidentally was not excluded by the evidence. judge perry disagreed. he denied this motion. he quoted the duct tape, he mentioned the chloroform. he talked about those internet searches making all of these items valid and said, yes, there's sufficient evidence for a jury to decide and not him at this point. now the case is rested until tomorrow when the defense beginning presenting its case. the big question out there is whether or not casey will be put on the stand. everybody's asking this question. >> lilia, also a part of this was a discussion about a tattoo. why was that brought up? >> reporter: well, yesterday we heard from a tattoo artist who said he's known casey for quite some time for seven years already. other than the fact that he tattooed bella vida on her back while caylee was missing. it's also significant what she told him. she had made an appointment on july 15th the day that caylee was reported missing that she wanted to go into his parlor on the 19th and he said that -- she said that she would bring caylee with her. so that could actually work towards the defense's case that caylee -- that casey was living on this surreal lie that she was not thinking straight telling this artist that she was going to bring caylee in. >> littlea in orlando, thank you. let's bring in susan fineman. thanks for being here. >> my pleasure. >> what did you think of how the prosecution did now that they rest snd. >> they did the best they could. they proceeded methodically. of course, there's a giant hole in their case, that's not their fault. given what they have, they made the most of it. >> they did well. that then bringstous the defense's strategy. if you're representing casey what would be your first move here? >> ill say i made a big mistake in opening statement -- no. >> that would be a lot to do. >> i would attack the forensics. i would go with a war of the experts. the forensics is the crux of the case. i would try ore fut and rebut every bit of evidence that the state put forward in the forensics of the case. i would do the hair, the chloroform, the smell of death, the larva, all the hard science. i would pierce doubt through that part of the case. then i would say, you know what? she may be a liar, she may be a bad mother, that's not proof of murder. the prof of murder part of this cates is in the forensics. >> how do you deal with the earlier claim if you're the defense here that the father molested casey, how are you going to work into that question was will casey take the stand? >> oops. oops. no. i think what they can do is they can try to skirt around that. because even if casey was molested as a child it doesn't mean that she didn't murder caylee. i never got that. that's to be saved for the mitigation phase if she's convicted. you want to say, look, she may have done this heinous thing, here's why and get some sympathy for her on one of the grounds of mitigation. i got to tell you, i don't like their strategy for casey's defense at all. >> we'll see what they do going forward. now the chief medical examiner saying that the debt was due to homicide. what can the defense to do deal with that. >> you don't know it's homicide. you don't have a cause of death. it's your theory, it's your belief. you don't have actual proof of it. it could have been an accident. but the problem is with all this other circumstantial evidence that the jury's already heard, it's hard to give casey essentially the bonus, the benefit if she did dispose of caylee and let her decompose that's why you can't find a cause of death. are you going to reward her for dumping her like garbage in a plastic bag? >> thank you for that. operation fast and furious. no fast cars here, a u.s. operation that went terribly wrong with hundreds of guns ending up in the hands of the mexican drug cartels. first a look at wall street. we take a look at the numbering right now, down over 135. some concern here about manufacturing data. again below 12,000. take a look at these live pictures. this as is we look at the uss carl vincent from san diego just returning after an historic tour. this is what the crew by the way buried osama bin laden at sea. today there's more fallout from that raid. we'll have more next. ients. so we seeded that into something much bigger... the home farming movement. join us at until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh, now that's the best part. i love your work. 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"the new york times" saying this singing comic book is no longer the ungodly indefire rabble mess it was in february, it's just a bore. u 2rks's bono told brian williams it's still a work in progress. >> the next few months we'll have gotten it to a place where the edge and myself will stop criticizing. it's just there. it's just there. >> of course, the real test for the revamped show, how it fares at the box office. next for you, how a gun running sting blew up for the u.s. government. hundreds of semiautomatic weapons given to mexican drug gangs putting american lives at risk. plus a massive manhunt for a former militia leader. he's been on the run since this weekend. how he almost evaded capture last time. but first ark look at what's hot on the web for you. a lot of people are in shock over the littest incident on board an airplane. a man was kicked off his delta flight for swearing. the 37-year-old admitted he used the f word twice while talking to another parch about flight delays, but says it was not directed at the crew. one attendant reportedly heard him say that's taking to [ bleep ] long to close the apartments. after a couple of delays, airport police boarded the plane and escorted the man off. he's thinking about suing the situation. the airline is investigating. mark cuban is being quite the maverick. he's considered giving his team something other than a ring as a momento for winning their first nba championship. the players and coach are having none of it. they want their rings. and hugh hefner is back to being a single playboy. his fiance crystal harris called off their wedding yesterday just days before they were supposed to tie the knot. hef say it's a heartbreaker, but better now than later. one of the reasons for the split, so crystal could start a music career. she released this song you're hearing right now "club queen" just yesterday.wee all the way ? piggy: weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeeeee, weeeee weeeeeeee. mom: max. ...maxwell! piggy: yeah? mom: you're home. piggy: oh,cool, thanks mrs. a. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. i've been looking at the numbers, and i think our campus is spending too much money on printing. i'd like to put you in charge of cutting costs. calm down. i know that it is not your job. what i'm saying... excuse me? alright, fine. no, you don't have to do it. ok? [ male announcer ] notre dame knows it's better for xerox to control its printing costs. so they can focus on winning on and off the field. [ manager ] are you sure i can't talk -- ok, no, i get it. [ male announcer ] with xerox, you're ready for real business. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. welcome back to msnbc. former president bill clinton is in haiti right now. he's attending a ground breaking ceremony. he's expected to meet with the new president, prime minister and parliament leaders there. a judge's decision to overturn prop 8 stands. another judge ruled that john vaughn walker did need to recuse himself because he's gay. the fbi wants to see video of the altercation between armstrong and his former teammate hamilton. hamilton claimed that armstrong said he would make his life a living held. $4 gas is now a thing of the past. it's done to 14 states now. now the manhunt for an armed militia man continues in montana. david booger fired on deputies. mike dominick joins us by phone with more on that. sheriff, thank you for being here. we described him as a real life rambo. how well armed is he? >> you know, we believe that he has at least a handgun. i wouldn't call him a real life rambo, to tell you the truth. he's armed with at least a handgun. he's fired it at deputies. he fired one to three shots at sheriff's deputies. he took off into the woods. he does believe he's a survivalist and does have a very anti-law enforcement attitude. >> it's been said that he's been seeking out confrontations with law enforcement. that he's prepared with food and you mentioned what sort of guns he has. 4 is he look for confrontation you believe? >> you know, it was pretty obvious in that situation that he was. he had every chance to stop and what he did was pick a place where he believed he could ambush the deputies. >> do you think where he is right now is. >> we believe he's somewhere here in western montana unless he's gotten into a vehicle. we're following both options right now. i've got officers out on the ground looking at a camp site that he's associated with. we're following up on all the leads that we can. we'll keep looking for this guy as long as it takes a week, a month or 30 years. >> sheriff, there in my sue la county, do you believe you'll have to shoot to kill to stop this man? >> that's obviously all up to him. we arrest people safely all the time. we'll try to do the safest arrest. >> what do you know about his background? he does have some history here? >> you know, you've read about the project seven group that he was the leader of, obviously went to federal prison over weapons charges associated with those issues. the last few weeks people dealt with him up here. he's been reporting road rage incidents, very irate with a highway patrolman. told the patrolman he wouldn't be taken down like last time he was arrested when he held himself at gunpoint by a swat team up in flat head county. he said that wasn't going to happen to him again. >> my best to your in this case. thank you so much. >> thanks a lot. wisconsin's hotly contested anti-union law goes into effect today. the state supreme court ruling that a judge who had voided that law was acting outside her authority. the decision will strip most public workers of their collective bargaining rights, a plan that the governor says is needed to address the state's budget shortfall. now to a bizarre murder plot that allegedly targeted grammy-winning singer joss stone who just sang by the way at kate and will's royal wedding. officials arrested two men carrying swords, body bags near her home in england. a very interesting and strange story. >> hi there, richard. yes, in addition to the items that you mentioned, the sword, the rope and body bag, these two men who are being held today had in their car aerial photos of her home, maps of the area and something called forensic style overalls, whatever that is. they were spotted by neighbors, this is a rural area in southwest england. neighbors in the area saw this car, thought it was suspicious. called authorities. we don't know whether she was home at the time. her mom has been spotted at the house today. she did send out a message to her fans that she's absolutely fine. but thorgts believe that there was some intention to kidnap or kill her. it sound like an awful, awful thing to be the tart of. she's a very wealthy young woman. worth something like $15 million. but there are far wealthier people in that area anywhere around here they could have targeted. a lot of this at this time is still a mystery. >> is it believed that's why that were targeting joss stone simply because she was wealthy? >> truthfully they haven't said much. she's a young, wealthy woman living in a remote area. clearly with the aerial maps which are not something you pick up at the nearby cvs, hard to come by, they've done some scouting of her property and where she lived. >> has joss stone or her friends and family made any statements? >> she's put out a message today that she was absolutely fine and in good hands. her mother was seen at the home today. we haven't seen her. we don't know if she was at this property at the time. authorities wouldn't comment on that question when asked by reporters today. >> thank you so much. angelina jolie has gotten the green light from turkey to visit syrian refugees camped out on the turkish side of the border. jolie could arrive as early as friday. 8,000 syrians have fled to exskap a crackdown on anti-government uprisings. in april she traveled to thank you knee sha to visit refugees fleeing war torn libya. is rob lowe about to get the role of a lifetime? the cable tv network is making the drew peterson story about the former illinois police officer accused of killing his third wife and suspected in the disappearance of his fourth wife. lifetime has confirmed that rob lowe will start in that title role. the actor is ten years younger than peterson. lowe starred in another lifetime movie in 2009. peterson would reportedly like denzel washington to play him. around schwarzenegger's mistress has given her first and says only interview about their son. she says her son joseph only learned about a year ago who his father was. she reveals her affair with schwarzenegger was short lived. it was a few times 14 years ago. i thought i loved him. she also says when maria shriver confronted her about the affair, the two cried together. she was not paid a dime for that interview. a woman has to sell a prized possession in order to avoid being evicted from her apartment. will president obama will able will president obama will able to sell her financially. ooo. sounds pricey? 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>> it was trying to change the dynamic to stop the violence in mexico and on the border. after years of trying to run out straw buyers they decided we're going to let some guns come in the system and try to catch them and the big bad guys at the heart of the violence. well intentioned. it went awry and that's what congress was taking a look at today. >> it's mike marking money in money laundering cases trying to trace it and see where it went. >> just like in a mob case. >> brian terry, did this program help in that case? >> it didn't. it added to much of the controversy here. two of the weapons that the atf showed up at the scene where this agent is tragically murdered. it's at that point that the scandal erupts. for months agents have been worried about hundreds of guns over the border. when they see one of their own killed, they step forward. >> on the flip side, some will say more than 190 guns recordly have been traced? >> the 190 being traced means they were used in crimes. it depends what you define as success. the fact that shea hoed up in crimes and not many people have been brought to justice is what makes people worried about this. >> we're watching some of the live debate in a hearing right now. the chairman there against others saying this program we've got questions about it. >> i think that's rite. at the beginning this was a partisan issue. republicans and democrats were far apart. i think president obama made it edwardsier for democrats to come more to is the center on this issue. he did an interview with mexican television saying i don't like what happened here. we've got to try to fix it. one of the things that have happened is they ordered this tactic to be discontinued. the administration is taking the point whatever happened here, we don't want to do it going forward. >> congress is now discussing something. debating something that is normally in the realm of law enforcement and they normally stand down from that. >> they do. ordinarily you would not see an open case. there's a case in arizona with people prosecuted over this operation. it's playing out live in congress. the courts haven't fully weighed in. it is very unique. >> thank you. >> thanks. side bar now. we begin with hear comes huntsman. -- here comes huntsman. in case you don't recognize him, that is soon to be presidential candidate john huntsman on a scenic tour of the utah red rocks. it's beautiful. his wife mary cay released that video today in anticipation of next week's official campaign launch. now to minding your own business, congressman anthony weiner refusing to resign in the wake of sex scandal. he's reportedly waiting to consult with his wife who just returned from an overseas trip. meanwhile letterman thinks everyone should just back off. >> anthony weiner is not getting a lot oof pressure from democrats to resign. i'd like to take a second here. i think i speak for everybody, i speak for myself, i think i speak for jay leno, for conan o'brien, i speak for jimny fallon, gorge gomez, jimmy kimmel, craig ferguson, david frost, merv griffining jack paar, johnmy carson when i say, hey, mind your own business! he doesn't need to resign. >> got him all. michelle bachmann appears to be the newest rising star among the republicans. here's her headline grabbing statement from monday night's new hampshire debate. >> i just want to make an announcement here for you john on cnn tonight. i filed today my paperwork to seek the office of the presidency of the united states. >> the couple announces they've applied for a marriage license. no one could have seen this coming. it's like the end of a an m. it's like the end of a an m. night m. night shyamalan movie. on devices... in social interactions... and applications in the cloud. some companies are worried. some, not so much. thanks to a network that secures it all and knows what to keep in, and what to keep out. outsmart the threats. see how at cisco. aflac! oh, i've just got major medical... major medical. ...but it helps pay the doctors. pays the doctors, boyyy! 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"andrea mitchell reports" up next on msnbc. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," no love for newt. our exclusive first look at the new nbc news wall street journal poll. gingrich's approval rating hits an all time low. will newt's misfortune open the door for another candidate? texas governor rick perry giving his stump speech a trial run. >> the federal government was createdbly the states to be an agent for the states. not the other way around. the biden budget talks. at a critical point on cuts, triggers and revenues, the latest with congressman chris van holland barney frank. the new cia director and the senate intelligence chair huddling as pakistan arrests five cia informants who helped track and kill osama bin laden. what's up with

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