but don't tell the folks who so just to bring you up to speed live over in corpus christi and here on the time line. in san antonio. according to hagerty back in very heavy rain falling for 2006, she went to al gore's hotel room. he was staying at an upscale portland hotel. she says she went to give him a them. flash flood warnings and watches massage, and that during that in effects. massage, she came -- during that although this is winding down we have tornado watches that go massage, she became very until 8:00 this even and that sexually aggressive. includes almost all of south that is according to molly texas so that could be a real hagerty. after that, she filed a threat for us. once a category 2 hurricane and complaint through an attorney with portland police. however, she missed three now down to tropical storm separate meetings with portland police. so at that point in time, they status with winds right around just closed the case. 50 miles per hour. the sentiment is all the same but then fast forward to 2009, here in brownsville, be she went back and gave them more prepared, and hurricane alex, go detailed account to portland away. police, and during that meeting indeed it already has passing south of here and racing its way she told them that al gore, the former vice president, was through new mexico. grabbing her, was kissing her, a lot of the folks are already was trying to pin her down on in recovery mode. the bed. a lot of streets are dry up now. she said she felt very this building here, they just uncomfortable, very physically took down all of the boards and threat en they're ready for business here. threatened. in fact, she told police she not too much of a problem for us called him a, quote, crazed sex poodle, during that incident. and then that brings us up t now in brownsville, south padres, texas. enquirer" article in which thomas, i think that everything hagerty called for portland will be back to usual by the end police to reopen the of the day today. investigation. we want to put up the >> dry is good. mike bettes, thanks so much. spokesperson's statement from al gore in which he emphatically a terrible milestone in the oil spill in the gulf of mexico, it is official it is now the denies what happens saying that "further investigation into this matter will only benefit mr. largest spill in the gulf of mexico. more than 140 million gallons gore. the gores cannot comment on spilled into the gulf in every defamatory statements. cleaning up. well, all of this oil has deny this accusation." stopped. so denying these accusations, charles hadlock he's live in venice, louisiana. very strongly. are crews back yetution the thomas. >> kristen welker live for us from l.a. and point out that the "national enquirers would not skimmers? >> reporter: thomas the seas are still rough offshore. confirm nor deny they wrote a in fact a buoy reporting a check to the person to tell her 12-foot wave earlier today so most of the booming, skimming story. we've been talking about and burning of oil has been this for the days, the real-life delayed until the weather russian spy drama gets more intense now. passes. i can show you, though, shrimp hour by hour starting this hour, boats parked here in the harbor nine of the ten alleged russian at the venice marina, they are spies arrested on sunday head to not going out today. a light rain is falling. court for bail hearings taking the winds have been gusty place in boston, virginia, and new york. throughout the day off of the coast of louisiana. anna chapman the red-haired so those ships will remain in beauty party girl the face of port. this spy ring won't be in court they are the one who have been today but neighbors of the hired by bp to go and skim the alleged spy are still expressing oil and also lay the booms but shock. that has been suspended, while take a look at the 13-year-old hurricane alex, now tropical storm alex, diminishes over boy. >> i was totally surprised. mexico. >> charles hadlock, thanks so much. house minority leader -- or excuse me, some very high-drama it -- out of anyone on the block moments just taking place a few they would be the last person moments ago on capitol hill. house minority leader john that you'd expect. >> nbc's ron allen joins us now. boehner is unloading on president obama. he called the president a whiner. show everyone the cover of the take a listen to this. "post" saying "spy lead. >> for someone who have to be held to a higher standard, talking about what's going on president obama spends an awful lot of time making excuses and her and her background. give meet idea. what does it mean? whining about others. >> she was an nba student a the american people want business student at columbia leadership from this white university here in manhattan and house. >> again we said that was just it's part of the ivy-league so moments ago. the "post" gives us spyvy boehner's sitting back after the president yesterday said that he's out of touch when boehner made the comment, the financial league. you have to love the "post." >> on campus, cynthia murphy recruiting students. >> right, supposedly recruiting students providing names of students who were interested in serving or working for the cia and perhaps the federal government generally. as i said she was an executive nba candidate and also had a job in a bank in new york city where she earned about $135,000. so this is a fairly accomplished woman. they had two 11-year-old daughters so the typical american family to some extent, middle class and that was their cover. >> right. family of four. probably a dog, a cat. but let's talk about our intelligence. did it fail or are these really not some serious spies that country needs to be worried about? >> well, that's really unclear. reading through the indictments it sounds like the fbi was onto this many years ago, five years ago, or further back. and the murphy family may have been operating as far back as the early 1990s, so since the fbi was gathering evidence, doing searches five, six years ago they knew what was going on, and if they needed to shut the thing down, they would have done it then, i would think. now why they chose do that now it's unclear and in the case of chapman they thought she was going to flee the country after they had arranged for her to deliver a bogus passport to another suspected agent. she was instructed, allegedly, by mosco to least country because her cover appeared to be blow and moved onto her and perhaps the others because the allegation is that these 11 people were all working together. >> yeah, it really is a fascinating story and as we learn the backstory on each one the individuals, as you point out, some of them even having young families together. so we'll know to watch this story. ron allen, thank you. president obama's trying to reboot the push for immigration reform and growing debate over arizona's controversial law. during a speech at american university just moments ago the president laid out the case for overhauling the nation's immigration laws. >> our borders will not be secure as long as our limited resources are devoted to not only stopping gangs and potential terrorists, but also the hundreds of thousands who attempt to cross each year simply to find work. that's why businesses must be held accountable if they break the law by deliberately hiring and exploiting undocumented workers. >> coming up, we're going to show you more of the presidents speech and we're going to get a chance to talk with the reverend al sharpton who's been active in the push for immigration reform. he was at the president's event this morning. developing right now on msnbc, nasa will keep the space shuttle program going until next year. the very last mission will now be february 26th, when the shuttle "endeavor" will head to the international space station. "endeavour" had been scheduled for the final flight snais november. "discovery's" flight in november. attack of the killer pelosi. it sounds like something out a horror movie. why painting the house speaker as the boogie woman in this campaign. and lebron james now up for grabs. the race to snag king james under way since 12:01 a.m. what's it going to take to bag lebron? is $100 million enough? we'll talk about that. and plus remember the guy who had 23 women slap him to show what lebronines in cleveland. today he's back with new challenges and so is the message getting through to lebron? we will find out. ♪ [ folk rock ] - ♪ hey, what you doin' today - [ phone rings ] - [ horn honking ] - [ tires squealing ] ♪ i'm ridin' down the highway i'm just rollin' ♪ [ announcer ] without the right auto insurance, a crash might impact more than your car. [ no audible dialogue ] make sure you're properly covered... so when you're driving your car, you're not risking your house. [ cat yowls ] - travelers. take the scary out of life. - ♪ hey hi, everybody. welcome back to msnbc. i'm thomas roberts. the second half of 2010 is off to a pretty rocky start on wall street. stocks are down on disappointing reports on jobs and the housing market. there you see red arrows across the board. markets are lower after the may-pending home sales number fell to its lowest level on record plunging 30%. we're going to speak with cnbc's trish regan at the bottom of the hour. we'll talk about that, so stay with us. so jump ball, whole win the grand prize of this year's nba free agency, lebron james? the free agency window opened at midnight. so it's now been 12 hours and 13 minutes, basically. and potential quarters of king james are now trying to lure him away from the cleveland cavaliers. one really die-hard fan so determined to keep james in cleveland, that he started a website in the lebron we trust.com. and over the past several weeks brandon george has endured challenges that he hopes are going to convince lebron to stay, and in this one he eats 23 deviled eggs in a row, but we're not going to show you what happened he got to the number 16. brandon george founder of inlebrontrust.com, joins me right now and i'm a little worried. number 16. do you think that lebron saw when you got to number 16. >> hi, thomas. honestly, i hope that he did so he knows just how passionate and enthusiastic that i believe am about doing this. >> and you talk about the passion, so far, has it been worth it. >> oh it's been absolutely worth it. i mean the whole point of this entire campaign was just to show lebron james that the fans in the city of cleveland care more, love more, and are more passionate than any other fans in the entire world, and i think each of these challenges has shown that. >> brandon, no one can say that you weren't passionate about this but have had any word from lebron and his people? does he know what you're up to. >> i knew way back when when i first started this project 100 days ago actually i spoke to the cavs' spokesperson and she told me eye had talked to her at a game. i asked her do you know about inlebron trust.com. i know for a fact that they know but unfortunately up at 12:z01 for lebron james' phone call but it hasn't happened though. >> your chest hot waxed. girls are slapping you. i heard that you brushed your teeth in hot sauce. what other tricks do you have up your sleeve to get to 23 things to prove your love for lebron? so well, today, actually i'll be creating and performing an original 23 step cavs' pregame handshake. i don't know if you guys know how intricate the handshake is. a 23--foot-high dive. a belly flop off of that and then the big finale which is the 23-hour kazam movie marathon in honor of shaquille o'neal. >> all right and what will you do though if he does go ahead and sign with somebody else? are you going to finish through with this or three where it stands? >> oh, i'm absolutely going to finish through with this. no matter what happens -- hopefully i'll finish them before he signs. i think he'll take a little while to enjoy this little free agency period but if he re-signs with someone else, lebron, this is how much we love you, come back when you're ready and no more than 23. i think that's a little much. it will end at 2ry. >> brandon george, we wish you the best with this. you're a fun guy. >> thank you so much, thomas. >> tell everybody, again, it's inlebrontrust.com. everyone check it out. contessa's on vacation but while she's on vacation i will hijack her big question of the day, is lebron worth all of the hype? let us know what you think, head to twitter.msnbc.com. later this hour. next time you're complaining about long lines at the airport, just remember things could be a whole lot worse. a us airways' flight from atlanta to charlotte was brought back to the gate, because get, this maggots were falling from an overhead bin. the crawly stoaways in a cont n container of stolen meat. everyone knows you're supposed to check your spoiled meat. school officials in massachusetts are facing heat for not practicing what they preach or rather what they teach. officials are taking responsibility for a final examine that was littered with errors. 2,600 high school students took this test more than 100 numerical and grammatical mistakes. the superintendent says he's going to take care of it. >> i met privately with the appropriate parents responsible. i met with their immediate supervisors and that's all that i can say on that matter. >> i would have said that this is the test. like, kids, you've got to figure this out and then you look good. but anyway, students from six different schools took the examines. so far, no one has been fired. so check this one out a man bust through the waffle his own bathroom and then gets stuck. we'll tell you how this happened. that's coming up in three minutes. but first a look at what's hot on the web today and some the most-viewed stories on msnbc.com. toyota says 270,000 vehicles sold worldwide while they have potential faulty engines. from the "washington post" a living soldier is nominated for the medal of honor. the first time the military's highest honor is giving to a living soldier since vietnam. the white house will review that nomination. and ex-ms. california carrie prejean. the beauty queen lost her crown for breach of contract but she insists it was over her opposition to gay marriage. prejean met bowler at the height of the controversy last year and the two were engaged back in february. ♪ triscui we're a fan of simple ingredients. so we seeded that into something much bigger. the home farming movement. ♪ join us at triscuit.com/homefarming. don't you wish all investing decisions were this simple? ♪ ♪ ♪ now when you open and fund an account, you'll get 200 commission-free trades. fidelity investments. turn here. ♪ the tough democrat and republican in the house are becoming prime targets in this year's 2010 midterm elections. take a look at this ad that's going after speaker nancy pelosi. >> now georged on our taxpayer dollars pelosi's power interested a goliath. who has the power to stop her? who can save america? you the pennsylvania voter. >> all right and democrat, taking aim at minority leader john boehner blasting him in this new web ad. "washington post" white house reporter ann joins me now. are these things that we should look forward to as we head into election day. >> oh, absolutely. it's never too soon to start campaigning, right? but it's definitely true and it has been true for some time that nancy pelosi as speak sera target in a way that not all house speakers are. and in the past boehner has not exactly bane household name. in part, because president obama is so popular. it's far more effective, republicans think, to go arch nancy pelosi, who in the past, they of course have, talked about as a san francisco liberal. that was an issue when he first went into the majority. and boehner's side for the democrats to talk about somebody who obviously made a remark yesterday that they think makes him vulnerable, and who is a prominent figure and a party who doesn't have any one lead right now, since they obviously don't have either majority of the white house so they're trying to single him out as the real leader of the republican party. >> but shouldn't pelosi report into have a bull's eye on her back right now. >> oh, no question. and i think that she would say she probably does and people around her would say to a certain extent they're braced for that and they're prepared for it. on the other hand, she's not the only democratic leader. obama is the president. and i think that democrats, in general, will try to present a united front. >> but saying she's the front the liberalism of the sfwhoouob administration. >> that's been a republican attack i think made easier bithe fact that she's from san francisco, but democrats in the d triple c in the house will say look a record of accomplishments. that's what people want us to be doing. put us here in the first mace. >> anne, shift gears quickly. a hot note here to msnbc saying that nra is going to be opposing the nomination of elena kagan. what's your take on that? >> news to me too. but i can't say it's that big of a surprise. this is something we thought would probably come from them. i don't think it will shift the outcome, though. it seems like -- her confirmation hearings haven't gone reasonable well. it seems almost reasonably confirmed. >> and shifting gears back to john boehner giving remarks just a short time ago calling president obama a whiner. what's your take on that type of remark today. >> well a lot back and forth from the president and the house republican leader that we haven't seen in this way before. singling each other out. obviously, it began with boehner's comment that the administration was using a nuclear weapon to target an ant with the financial regulatory reform. the president fired back yesterday that that means that boehner doesn't get it, if he thinks that the economic crisis and the meltdown was an ant. and now we see, of course, these remarks. and additionally, republicans saying that obama's out of touch. so a lot of finger-pointing and i think putting the framework of what the midterm elections are going to be. >> reaching into their arsenal and stockpiling coming out with these commercials. anne kornblut, thanks so much. the economy and the national debt at the highest level since world war ii, a significant number of americans want their candidate for congress to focus on getting that debt down. up next, cnbc's trish regan looks at that and what has been another rocky ride on wall street today. red arrows across the board. we'll take a look. it may be summer but for those of you who can't stay away from the tanning beds you'll have to pay a little bit more for that golden glow. i came up with this mobile art gallery to bring art to the people. i strongly believe that there is art in every single person. sharing art is the highest calling for me. but without my health i wouldn't be able to do anything. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. this is what makes me happy, so i'll probably do this until the wheels fall off. [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it. hi, everybody. good to have you back. i'm thomas roberts. contessa brewer has the day off. the top stories following for you. portland, oregon police, have reopened a 2006 investigation into allegations al gore groped a massage therapist. now a gore spokesperson says the former vp equivocally and denies the allegationses. tropical storm alex is moving in on mexico but is weakening. the storm, bad news for the oil cleanup in the gulf of mexico. the spill is on track to officially become the largest ever in the gulf of mexico. 140 million gallons spilled. and right now, friends and colleagues are paying their respects to the late-senator robert byrd, who's lying in repose in the senate chamber. so on wall street, stocks are sharply lower after their worst start in some eight years. let's take a peak of the markets midway through the trading day. the dow taking the biggest hit, down 10 and below that psychological level of 10,000. av the major indices are all now down 6%, 7%, 8% for the year. cnbc's trish regan joins me now. trish, where do we start on this, first? below that psychological mark of the 10,000 on the dow jones, below that. >> we are indeed, thomas. where do we start? well, lots of bad news. so take your pick. first of all, you've got some weak economic news, manufacturing data out of china, you've got continued concerns about european debt crisis, and you've got some really bad news when it comes to the housing sector right here at home that just came out this morning, actually pending home sales, thomas, they fell 30% in the last month. that's double what anybody had anticipated. i mean, people were basically banking on a pretty dismal housing number, because you saw that that new home buyer tax credit had expired. and so there were sort of a hangover of people would not be look for new homes and that was expected to be reflected, but it came in twice as bad as people thought. so lots of talk of a double dip in housing. the question is whether or not that's really going to send the entire economy into a double-dip scenario. >> trish, tomorrow, we get the big unemployment report for june. i'm afraid to even ask. what are we expecting? >> well, yeah, it's a big one, people are certainly watching it. you're going to have a similar-type thing when we talk about the government getting involved, and, therefore, it's sort of having an artificial effect on the markets when it comes to housing. similar-type thing here. because the government was hiring all of those census workers back -- earlier in the spring, and now in the latest month, they fired all of those census workers or at least 200,000 some-odd of them. so you can expect that the number will not look that good and that will really continue to weigh in on investors, because don't forget, thomas, you've got to have people employed in order for people to go out and spend. the consumer's two-thirds of the overall economy. and right now they're not feeling a sense of confidence. they're not out there spending, and, therefore, businesses are not hiring. >> i hear what you're saying. i agree with you 100%. a agree with you 100%. >> that's good. catch-22. >> great to see you. the days of overdraft fees at the big banks are coming to a close. beginning today banks must get permition from customers before they can charge a fee for covering purchases when there's not enough money in their account. and that applies to both debit cards and atm withdrawals. to try to counter those lost funds many banks are now unveiling new maintenance fees and they're canceling free checking. google is rolling out a new effort aimed at take care of its workers while potentially setting a new course of how coims treat same-sex couples. starting today the giant covers the extra cost that employees must pay when their same-sex partners receive health benefits. recent data shows that workers with domestic partners facing additional $1,000 in taxes, which married couples and married employees don't have to face. snakes, guns, bomb happens and toddlers all have some things in common and all new subject of the new laws taking effect today. pete williams will break down some of the more interesting and amusing ones. snakes, bombs, and toddlers, oh my, pete. >> it's not all of the same law but let's start with one that many people heard of. as of today using a tanning bed will cost 10% more because of a federal tax that goes into effect today on using tanning beds. now, thi actually began life as a tax in the health care bill on cosmetic surgery, but during lobbying the dermatologists persuaded congress to tax tanning beds instead which dermatologists say is a kearns risk. that goes into effect today. that's a federal law. looking at some state laws now in virginia it's now legal for concealed handgun permit pof possessors to carry their guns into restaurants that serve alcohol. they just can't drink while they're there. and nonetheless virginia, an interesting way to raise money. as of today, you can buy for $125 for anyone up to the age of 2, a lifetime hunting and fishing permit. all for a way for virginia to make more money because they'll get more money from a federal program that give states money that's derived from the sale of guns and ammunition. and how it's passed out is based on the number of people in the state who have hunting and fishing permits. now florida, the bong bill goes into effect. aimed at head shops. stores can sell pipes and other paraphernalia only if they is a state license to sell tobacco. and also today, an effort to crackdown on people who bring in illegal snakes and then release them into the wild. it's a ban on selling, buying, or having pythons and other big snakes. you can have one only if you have a state license. and only about 300 people in florida do. and also there's a year-round amnesty now, not just a few days of the year, but a year-round amnesty to turn in any of your prohibitive snakes. and now two laws from indiana, if you make any money, or if you win any money from casino gambling or riverboat gambling the state will take from your winnings any money that you owe in child support payments. indiana ranks 41st among the states in its effectiveness in enforcing child support payments and finalitily in indiana today, you'll be carded if you try to buy alcohol no matter how old you are, if you buy it someplace to carry it out. a liquor store, a grocery store, anywhere else that you're not going to consume it on the premises, you have to be carded. no matter what your age. >> pete, i like that one. it makes me feel young so i don't mind getting carded. pete williams, good to see you, pete, thanks soap much. >> my pleasure. take you back to the russian spy drama starting this hour, nine of the ten suspected russian spies arrested on sunday, they had the court for their bail hearings and today we're learning more about the alleged russian agents who led very successful lives here in the u.s. each of their profiles, very different. ranging from anna chapman who promoted herself in this video. take a look. >> i think the most challenging part of my life really started when i quit all of my jobs, really cut all of my salaries and really did something that i wanted to do. >> then, are there the murphys who planted themselves in suburban, new jersey. earned ivy-league nbas and raise u.s.-born children and now alleged spies are facing jail time. investigative correspondent mark. we have "the post" giving us these great headlines of spyvy league. this is anna chapman on the cover here but talking about cynthia murphy she was the ivy-league person. give us an explanation of why why they're going with this angle of the spyvy league in cynthia muchy. >> was a columbia nba. she seems to be the more successful of these spies in that she got a job at a very fancy tax consultancy in manhattan and used her position there, at least according to the government, to schmooz somebody named allen patrick off a big fund-raiser for a democratic party and a close friend of bill and hillary clinton and this seems to be as close as some these spies, again, insofar as as somebody said got really important. also cynthia murphy as i recall was assigned by moscow centers, they call it, to scout out whether any possible fellow students, and presumably these are students that she was with at columbia, were going to join the cia. so maybe some other people could recruit them. so this is kind of interesting. that's why i guess you would call it spyvy league. oddly enough the woman getting the most publicity in this case, anna chapman, the flame-haired temptress to be called the least important members of this spy crowd. she only seems to have come to the united states last year. or in the last few months. she seems to have been very conspicuous and not very discreet about her activities. and moreover, again according to the government's documents, she seems to have been conned by a u.s. government undercorpoperative acting as a russian spy into giving up some information to them so that's not terribly bright spying in my view. >> mark, what do we know about the murphy children? we know that they have two children. and they're american-born. so why do they fall in all of this? >> well as a continued if they're american-born they're american citizens and the government is now trying to figure out what do with them. if these are the teenaged kids or the little kids. if they're teenaged kids allow them to stay here and on their own. if they're little kids presumably local authorities in new jersey will have to take them into some kind of care. >> what do we know about the 11 suspect, the one that was taken in in greece and then told them okay come back and check in every day and now he's gone. >> he was arrested at cyprus. it's not clear why he went to cyprus. he's what they call in the spy trade a cutout. he was kind a messenger. a fairly high-level marriage but nonetheless a messenger but not the boss of this spy ring who passed messages and money backwards and forwards between moscow center and the spice here in the united states. so he's an important connection. i'm sure that the u.s. would love to question him. and insofar as one can tell, he went over to cyprus, he was picked up, the americans wanted the cyprus authorities to hold him. they didn't. they let him out on bail. and poof, he's gone. >> "newsweek's" reporter, mark, thanks so much. jeffrey jones is in some trouble of his own. jones is charged with not updatinging his sex offender register status. in 2003 jones pleaded no contest. this is the second time the actor failed to keep his sex offender current. he's going to be arraigned coming up later this summer. and check out wonder woman's new look. d.c. comics redesign the her -- the heroine costume. in with the tight leggings and a leather jacket. the writer says he toughened wonder woman up for the 20th century. but who does this look like. currently on vacation, contessa. we think she'll be moonlighting as wonder woman and she'll probably kill us when she sees that. all right so president obama goes on the offensive about the need of immigration reform. despite the controversy it stirs up a live report for you straight ahead. and then a serious question for you, having a baby over 70? how is it possible for a woman to carry a child after menopause? 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about adding onglyza. extra help. extra control. you may be eligible to pay $10 a month with the onglyza value card program. more and more people are foregoing the car, traveling by bike or foot instead. the federal highway administration has released a new report that tracks biking and walking trends since the mid '90s, both biking and walking trips are up 25% since 2001. biking fatalities and injuries are down since 1993. hi, everybody. welcome back to msnbc. i'm thomas roberts. president obama makes a renewed pitch for immigration reform, but the speech at an american university this morning. take a listen. >> this administration will not just kick the can down the road. immigration reform is no exception. in recent days, the issue of immigration has become, once more, a sense of -- a source of fresh contention in our country with the passage of a controversial law in arizona and the heated reactions we've seen across america. >> and with more on this let's check in with msnbc's mike viqueira. >> reporter: this is the one of president obama's signature-issue-related speeches. not as much grandstand as the speech on race relations or the race relationses with the muslim world but sort of that tone. president obama has provisorial at best, using his historic yamcontext. he says the system is broken. the immigration system in this country is broken and we need practical solutions to fix it. he acknowledged that it is an extremely volatile issue. but, yet, he did not set forth or has not sent a specific bill or bill language to the congress in orderr in order to have something really start moving. he's under a tremendous amount of pressure from his left. he's had a number of meetings here with advocates of immigration reform here at the white house. pushing him to go further, he gave this speech today, but relatively few details. yes, the president says it's not enough to simply roundup the 11 million illegal immigrants in this country, arrest them, or somehow deport them, that would be impractical. it would tear at the fabric of society. and yet he says, those 11 million have to pay some kind of price for violating the law. he says -- he's also to theed some of the efforts that his administration's made on the border. he says it is more security than ever contrary to what you hear but a very volatile situation. nothing moving in congress that the point, thomas. >> mike viqueira live for us at the white house. mike, thank you. >> reporter: okay. four u.s. cities are putting thereto best foot forward as they try to secure hosting duties for the 2012 democratic national convention. the dnc's narrowed the field down to st. louis, charlotte, minneapolis, and cleveland. planners will visit the cities throughout the summer to decide the winner. republicans have already made their pick, they selected tampa, florida. members still have to finalize that decision. a really unusual rescue made by spokane firefighters is today's hot shot. a hole he made frantically trying to escape, thick black smoke from a fire in his kitchen. >> wow, poor guy. firefighters got there, they quickly put out the flames and then they freed the embarrassed homeowner. a baseball fan is no doubt nursing a bruised fan and a bruised ego today. the fan was talking on his cell phone at the yankees/mariners game last night when a batted ball bounced from the field struck him square in the face. look at that. he's lucky. woo. yeah, he was lucky that he was out in right field. a hard lessoned learned, you have to keep your eye on the ball. you're at a baseball game, buddy. the tiger is supposed to be wrestling with the puppy. the owners of the cat, cattails logical park in spokane, washington, rescued the preemie called sage to keep their baby tiger company. they want them to play together, learn to develop, have a friendship. they hope this will endure even though the tiger's probably going to grow to be four times the size of the dog and maybe eat it. i don't know, i just made that part up. all right so it's a very busy day in washington, give you the breakdown. what's happening at 1:30 p.m. eastern white house press secretary robert gibbs holds his daily briefing but today joined by the guy in charge, admiral thad allen. and then at 4:00 p.m. eastern the senate judiciary begins hearings from witnesses as part of elena kagan's confirmation process. and at 6:15 eastern, president obama signs the iran sanction's bill in the east room of the white house. the bill targets iran's energy and banking sectors. and some coffee. - sure, cake or pie? - pie. - apple or cherry? - cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. some use hydrogenated oil. reddi-wip uses real dairy cream. nothing's more real than reddi-wip. hey, when your ride looks good, you look good. check it out. armor all wipes. twin pack. just six bucks. prevents premature aging. mr. rollback needs that. he's got kids. 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[ female announcer ] stop mid-morning hunger with kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal. an excellent source of fiber from 100% whole grain that helps you stay full, so you can stay focused. also, try chocolate little bites. so, how'd the meeting go? outstanding, i wowed them with my chocolate chip center. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," the president isude a call to arms to fix the nation's broken immigration system and turn the words inscribed on the statute of liberty into a reality. >> give me you're tired and you're poor, you're huddled masses yearning to be free. send these, it is homeless tempest toss