involved militarily, but they don't say it, right? >> so, i think there are two pieces to this. i understand that there are high-level connections between the u.s. and the russians in which it has made very, very clear that that kind of use of these kinds of weapons would change the calculus, and if there is a response being contemplated, that we would communicate that privately, not publicly. so that's number one. i think there is a distinction between what we communicate to putin and my understanding is there are communication channels open. i mean, secondly i think there is a need for the alliance of 30 independent countries, all of them democracies, to come together, and that just takes time. i think the nato meeting today did discuss escalation scenarios and what we might possibly do, but there's quiet work under way in the u.s., as you just confirmed, again, on these tiger teams, but also with our nato