through tweets and political statements, public statements. these private phone calls i think are extremely important for deescalation. >> mike memoli, as you said, the u.s. and russia scheduled to resume the security talks next month. does today's call change anything about that, the timeline or anything about those january talks? >> reporter: no, and what it seems has been the case here is we've heard in the form of president putin and his traditional year-end press conference over the last few weeks that he wanted to talk again with president biden directly. so when we heard the announcement just a few days ago of these series of talks in geneva, clearly these had been themselves the subject of negotiations between all of the parties involved, and so what we heard from the white house yesterday when i asked about who would be participating in it, whether today's call between these two leaders might preclude them speaking again as part of those negotiations a senior administration official saying, no, those conversations will be