more time. >> with my schedule and the schedule here in glenn county, i will get back to everybody about some dates and see what works with respect to dates that should give everybody an opportunity to put together whatever evidence may be shown in aggravation from the state or mitigation from the defense. hopefully we'll get to that in the next couple of weeks. i'm make sure counsel knows what those dates are. that addresses the open matter then before the court. anything from the state before we adjourn? >> nothing further from the state, your honor. >> from travis mcmichael? >> no, your honor. >> from greg mcmichael? >> no, your honor. >> and from mr. bryan. >> no, your honor. >> the defendants are to remain in the custody of the sheriff and we are adjourned. thank you. >> so court is adjourned. you will see all three men being taken into custody, custody of the sheriff as the judge just