tenuous. that's why we're seeing this rise in cases across the northern border with canada. so that's what i'm watching closely, to see if that further ignites to give us another third wave. it could go either way. i think it's more likely we are going to see a substantial increase again after halloween. >> and just because of the same patterns that we saw last year, even though we have so many people vaccinated? >> yeah, well, we have so many people vaccinated, but we have so many people unvaccinated. and that's why you're seeing it now in states like idaho that are getting overwhelmed, because they have some of the lowest vaccination rates equivalent to the south. it's the same politics, that same, you know, far right, health freedom, medical freedom, we're defiant, you can't tell us what to do, with these horrible self-defeating consequences. you're seeing this in idaho, montana, north dakota. so there's still a lot of unvaccinated people there.