cleanup on aisle 7 situation, but what do viewers need to know as they think about their holiday gatherings? >> i think the key thing is that we don't know what the holidays will bring unless you can kind of guarantee that you keep the crowd small, limit it to mostly vaccinated people, and, of course, with children's vaccines potentially being one of the key meetings during the fda's month of october, that could be a big game changer. i mean, a lot of what dr. fauci has had to give pretty sound advice on has been because under 12 people are not vaccinated. immune compromised people are basically unprotected. the most people at a household gathering, the better protection, the higher the confidence if vaccinated. if case rates stay low, we'll have an incredible holiday season. if we can vaccinate more people, we deserve to reward the benefits come from those kind of hard-earned vaccinations and what we've been doing the last 20 months.