very well, show that climate has changed. life is already changing. you talked about that. i am curious. what shocked you while doing this piece? the thing that shocked me was learning we'd be surrendering land in arizona starting next year. what really shocked me are the u.s. government projections that are much starker. we talked to the bureau of reclamation on a regular basis and they are giving us we have a plan and there is money for this and a week ago they said the bottom line take lake powell a 1 in 3 chance of shutting down year after next. that is power to over 5 million americans. it is here. it is happening now. the cattle dying also in ranches in the west that is going to affect dinner tables across the east starting next year. >> it's a spiral. that is what people have to understand. thanks very much. terrific work. you can see a lot more of cal's wonderful reporting. when we debut season 3 of meet the press reports tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern.