responsibilities, keeping a check on the article two branches of government. that's what this is about. it's about the conduct. it's about the actions. and they are duty-bound to do their jobs. >> i think steve schmidt will become my new constitutional therapist. that was some good, wholesome reminders. steve and adrienne, beth. >> thank you. >> we'll be back. rienne, beth. >> thank you. >> we'll be back mory support br. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. plaque psoriasis uncoverth clearer skin that can last. in fact, tremfya® was proven superior to humira® in providing significantly clearer skin. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur.

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