knew this. she says the republican-controlled senate intel committee thoroughly investigated that theory, the ukraine theory, according to people with direct knowledge of the inquiry. and found no evidence that ukraine waged a top-down interference campaign akin to the kremlin's efforts to help trump win in 2016. she also found that they interviewed alexandra chalupa and found that there was no there there and didn't pursue more witnesses. angus king is on the record saying he went to 20 to 30 briefings. and -- and on election interference in 2016, he never heard one word about any culpability on the part of ukraine. i mean, is this going to be the same scenario if this goes to the senate? can donald trump reliably count on -- on republican senators to behave the way that house republicans are? >> the latest polling of republican voters on the question of do you want to impeach and remove donald trump from office? the answer, yes, 4% of republicans. and that is consistent with the level of support trump has