that the american people understand that this russian oil thing, i mean, we're the number one producer of oil in the world. it is a small amount. you guys have gone over it. >> 70%, right. >> you've gone over it over the last segment. so i think joe did -- i think president biden did the right thing with the oil decision he a announced yesterday. we need to understand, no fly zone over ukraine means we're going to war with russia. >> a nuclear war, world war iii. >> exactly. so you can't say no fly zone. what you have to say is, gosh, let's go to war with russia. >> right. >> so that's why what they're doing -- >> if that's what you're saying, it's the same thing. >> quick saying no fly zone. say, "let's go to war with russia." >> right. >> as long as we're doing what we're doing with nato, as long as putin is as cornered as he is, and as you said, what i'm most worried about, he has no off-ramp. >> that's what we can't figure out. >> that's the scariest. how does he get out of this? globally, for my friends up the