potential conspiracy theory. they're going at it in all different ways. but i think that they have been energized and i think the fact more and more people are coming to talk is bringing others in, too, because, you know, you have somebody in the oval office telling his or her side of the story. the other person needs to go in and speak up for him or herself. this is moving fairly quickly. they're talking about hearings in the spring, a report sometime in the fall before the midterms. >> yeah. >> so it is moving. >> you know, david, again as willie said for every steve bannon there are ten people that worked in the trump white house, that regardless of what our viewers may think about donald trump or people that worked in trump's white house, they were there thinking they were doing the nation's bidding and they were doing it better than the person who would follow them. well, there are a lot of those people who woke up on january 6th, saw what happened, were