moving rather slowly. if you talked behind the scenes to people around the committee they say, look, we're getting what we need. for every high-profile steve bannon who doesn't want to show up, for every mark meadows who want to make a point to donald trump and not show up to testify, we have reams, thousands and thousands of documents, from meadows in some cases, print documents and e-mails but also from other people around the president, press seconds, advisers. mike pence's team is cooperating by and large. this committee will have what it needs to tell the story of january 6th. >> and the oath keepers, the head of the oath keeper's lawyer said a couple of days he was that he was going to plead the fifth and say nothing. ended up he was talking to them for six hours. that's the things about them, once you get them talking you can't stop them, especially yellies with an ipad. >> with the committee there's revelations every day. they seem to be focusing in as far as we can tell on a