it's incredible. harry reid, i mean, the idea that harry reid is gone from the united states senate still hasn't sunk in i don't think to a lot of existing united states senators. and as soon as i hear the news, one thought struck me more than anything else. why aren't democrats as tough today as harry reid was when he was the head of the senate? i think it would be a different country, a different political party, and a different negotiation back and forth between all these conflicting issues if a harry reid was still there. and john madden, what can you say about john madden? everybody in america knows john madden. he's the guy at the end of the bar that you go to, the restaurant that you watch the game at. he's just that guy. everybody knew him. he was mr. everybody. but he was incredible. he was just absolutely incredible. the guy who trans lated the arcane language of football into common english so everybody understood it. >> his pure authentic self at