you say, people do meat free monday or want to reduce their carbon footprint or for the environment or ethical reasons. i have grown up that way and sustained it because i really genuinely enjoy it because, like i said, it's something stella takes into her fashion. it's very much ingrained in our family ethos. i'm proud of mom and dad, they didn't make us do it. we do it because we want to. that makes it more genuine. i never want to be that preachy person of you can't eat what you want. you need to do it because you want to. >> it's a feature of your new show. oprah winfrey, reese witherspoon. how do you decide what to cook with them? how does that collaboration come about this is have you found people that are not vegan but into it while doing it with you? >> well, oprah and reese aren't vegan. a lot of my friends aren't, but