they're going to buy our subs. only question is, before we get out of this room, how do we do a make-good for you, so you're part of this deal? you're so important to us, we want you to be part of this deal. it wasn't hard to do. >> the question is why, why did it happen this way? was it incompetence? there are experienced people in the state department, inside the biden administration. was it arrogance? was it taking an ally for granted, saying they'll be fine, it's france? we're always going to be close allies. we can plow forward? it just doesn't make sense that a group of experiencd diplomats would let it go down this way. >> i bet you wish we were talking about baseball. there has to be a make-good. they have to help macron get out of his domestic corner so this partnership can be back. again, we're moving forward together. we have a much bigger problem here. >> i think there is a bigger story. >> it's china.