enter into our analysis of that data. so it's very clear that masks work. it's very clear from vaccines, and a lot of people have misunderstood, vaccines were never intended to make us never get the virus, they were intended to keep us from getting very sick and dying and it's working extremely well. so masks are absolutely a tool that should be utilized. we try to stay clear from the political side of this. >> we'll leave the politics out of this and just talk purely medically. what would you say to people in the state of texas who say i don't want to get the vaccine, i don't trust the vaccine, i'm never getting the vaccine, or people who say i'm not going to wear a mask because i don't need to wear a mask or it infringes on my freedom. what would be the case you would make to them from a medical point of view. >> from a medical point of view i'd make the following. i'm old enough to remember being in a gymnasium and getting a polio vaccine and that was at a