the idea of the wall as almost as he's likes to fight about the wall. and my question to you, he's talking about this all year next year too. it's going to be a key issue in his re-election, the border wall, not saying he's building it but the democrats have tried to oppose it. what are you hearing in terms of how much of a role is that going to play in 2020 whn it was the wall was sort of his signature issue in 2016, there's a lot on his plate now. but don't you think that the wall and immigration, what are you hearing, is going to play a key part to his re-election as well? >> yeah, jonathan, we hear definitely that the wall as a -- as a stand-in for the larger immigration and border issues that are central to the president's re-election campaign will be -- is now and will continue to be a major focus for not only his rallies, but things that he does and says in washington. the president really feels that