that again last night. >> once a generation where labor goes so far left. it was interesting. this wasn't a vote about brexit. people are just sick of it. they wanted it done and i think the tories were effectively championing, just get it. so it was a vote against corbyn. but the outium was mo come was sided than people thought. you still will have a very compensated detail on the brexit between the british government and the eu, not clear how it turns out. and i think the country is still in doubt. scottish national vote is overwhelmingly pro depends. it's possible that you'll not only have brexit, but you'll have the unraveling the united kingdom. >> but, katty, the pick that's been so frustrating has been the indecision. even looking -- loving great britain as i do, looking from afar at the indecision where you're just like to do something. make it -- stay, leave, i don't