impeachment, but you went too far and gave away the house on this trade deal. >> we were talking about this a little earlier off camera, i think you agree with joe about this. this in some ways is democrats calling the president's bluff. all they're focused on is impeachment, there's nancy pelosi saying yeah, we're happy to work with you to get things done. we can do both things at once. >> i think this is a little bit republicans are from mars, democrats are from venus a little bit where democratic voters like to see things get done. democrats need to see something at the end of the day and impeachment in and of itself isn't going to be enough. how much are you really going to be able to make democratic voters care about what is a foreign policy issue. go back to the mueller report, and at the end of the day, it was something that you just couldn't get voters that engaged upon, so you have to keep pushing the envelope forward. i thought that speaker pelosi