leaving everybody behind, it's just what he did. he spoke in generalities and was more concerned defending the president who threatened a member of his team than actually defending a member of his team. >> yeah. we heard from ambassador yovanovitch who felt threatened physically but also her job felt threatened and she made appeals to the state department, never heard anything back, particularly from secretary pompeo. and by the way, we asked the question what are these people getting out of this. >> yeah. >> nbc reporting yesterday that donald trump has called mike pompeo in and said effectively get a hold of your people, all these people testified. how did you let this happen to me? how did you put bill taylor in place? these people are bad for me, where's your loyalty? there's a rift between pompeo and president trump according to nbc reporting and yet pompeo is going back in for more bites at the apple to please president trump. >> and this is the sort of thing, donald trump, the man