on donald trump. >> yeah, i mean, a majority in almost every one of those polls wants to see it go forward. you got to the key in why the polls matter. that's when you start to see movement inside the united states congress. all these senators and congressmen and women who have been silent the, puzingly sil t silent, if it gets to the point in their state or district where their voters, the people who can reelect them or not reelect them have moved on it, that's when they move. it's not exactly profiles in courage, but that is the way it works. >> and president trump was saying the other day, we'll show this later, i saw my poll numbers went up, and it was like for impeachment donald. they're talking about impeaching you, but he doesn't watch. we'll have much more on the significance of this polling in just a moment. we also learned yesterday that the trump administration will not cooperate with the inquiry calling it illegitimate and unconstitutional. we've got the first sign of that when the state department