important. we actually raised on a bipartisan basis the debt ceiling in the last congress because on a bipartisan basis we agreed on what to spend the money on. this time democrats want to increase the debt ceiling on the -- for the reconciliation bill which they're passing on a party line basis, which is going to fuel inflation if you speak to democratic economists like larry summers. so, wait a second. we're supposed to aid and abet party line spending which even democratic economists say will fuel further inflation. no, that's not right. if you want to come back and meet where we can actually find common ground, where we can address needs as opposed to a democratic wish list, then we'll help. not when you're just trying to tank the economy by fueling inflation to get your wish list. >> senator, this debt ceiling has nothing to do with the reconciliation. this isn't about spending going forward. this is about spending that's already happened. i understand the messaging you want to make clear and the issue of spending. i understand that from an