and they're -- maybe call them the competency voters. they actually react to what's happening. they're not happy with how covid is going. whether it's biden's fault or not, he's the guy at the wheel. >> it's a nightmare number for the white house. i talked to a republican -- strike that. just about this whole situation yesterday, and what that person said, afghanistan, that horror in a vacuum probably would not have significantly damaged biden's poll numbers the way we've seen them change over the last few months. the point this particular strategist made, it's the totality of everything that's happened since april. it's covid, inflation. there's evidence voters are concerned about the immigration system. it gives republicans an opening to argue that things are spiraling out of control for the white house. whether or not that's accurate, this number tells you what you need to know at least in terms of the way that this administration and this white house are communicating to the american people and to these persuadable independents how exactly they're governing and their ability to shape circumstances rather than be shaped by them.