this is a republican party who used to hate trial lawyers. now they're using the courts. >> it's bad policy and it's bad law. if republicans are going to try to be todd akin republicans, claire is right, they will not succeed. we have a lot more larry hogans, jamie herrera butler who is pro life and the leader on helping women with tough pregnancies and kids who have disabilities. that's the kind of pro life community i've always worked with and that's the one that needs to stand up now. >> i will say this, in the spirit of our polarization broadcast, claire mccaskill and barbara comstock appearing together in a very high minded discussion. appreciate both of you. when we come back, joe biden has just come off one of the worst weeks of his presidency and he has the sinking poll numbers to prove it. before we go to break, we wanted the note the passing of an nbc and "today" show legend. we learned that the weather man, funny man, and every man willard