and all of a sudden, we just heard a bunch of like shooting, and everybody started hill running and yelling. and you know, i was just, it was a scary thing. i got separated from him. and i went with my daughter. she was scared. i was trying to find a place to hide with her. i was scared for, you know, my children. and it was just crazy experience, you know, you don't, you don't expect it. it's highland park, and nowadays, we don't feel safe now anywhere. >> and we are back with the breaking news coverage on the mass shooting in highland park, illinois. at the bottom of the hour, the latest person of interest, now in custody. nbc news reporter ben collins joins us. he's been tracing the trail of violent imagery left on line by the person of interest. jim kavanaugh, harry litman, as promised, also still with us. ben, we were going through all of the pieces of information that you are getting to us,