has struggled to remain clean during her pregnancy. >> like if i didn't give a [ bleep ] about this baby, i wouldn't have got sober. >> how long have you been sober this time? >> not long. 96 days. and i feel pressure. it's this place. it's not having my wife. it's the pressure of what do i do with this baby. >> lynch says she's confident she will get out of jail, stay clean and help leah raise the baby. she has even selected a name. >> it's a boy. john lynch. this is last month's ultrasound. i wish i could be there to see him. like it breaks my heart i'm going to miss it. i know it's got to be hard for her. >> leah says it will be hard on all of them. >> i don't have diapers for this baby. i don't have a onesie for this baby. any time i talk about adoption or if i even say options, she's off the wall. she's about to break [ bleep ]. that's when she starts saying my son, my son. like we're not giving away my son.